Advanced Systems Analysis

The Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) Program aims to produce, practice, and prototype novel system-analytical approaches, methods, and tools which can provide more efficient solutions or solve problems that cannot be addressed by existing tools
ASA’s overall mission is to advance systems analysis by substantiating the integration of systems methods and applied research to investigate complex systems undergoing global change, with a focus on an integrated, interdisciplinary approach.
ASA researchers:
- develop “exploratory applied mathematics” by identifying new challenges in systems analysis and elaborating new methods to tackle them;
- support “transfer of methods” by identifying promising new applications for existing systems analysis methods and developing interdisciplinary case studies;
- help promote advanced systems analysis approaches to a broad scientific expert community and to the public.
Following the “systems-of-systems” concept, ASA research is organized around three mutually complementing and cross-fertilizing methodological research domains: (i) Optimal behavior of systems; (ii) Interactions between systems; and (iii) System transitions and resilience of systems.